Housing instructions

Why should you fill in an apartment card when moving in? Can I paint the walls of my apartment? Where should I advise my friend to park their car?

On the Instructions page, we have compiled information, instructions and tips for applying for and living in Soihtu’s housing location. See also our FAQ page for frequently asked questions.


Apartment inspections

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When you move out, Soihtu Facility Services will the check the condition of the apartment. In some apartments in Kortepohja Student Village, also pre-inspections are conducted. Please read the instructions below and out move-out...

Authorizing, authorization letter


We don’t give our customers’ information to other people than the customers themselves to protect the customer’s privacy protection. You can authorize someone to handle issues regarding your housing by delivering us...

Certificate of Housing


If you need a certificate from your accommodation, please contact the rent secretary via email vuokrat@soihtu.fi. Define the details your university or other authorities need and we will send you the certificate via email in 2-5 working days. Please...

Eviction process


Eviction is a legal process that a landlord has to resort to when a tenant’s lease has expired but the resident has not moved out of the apartment by the agreed date. The lease may have terminated either due to the tenant's own termination or the...

Giving notice to end a lease on a temporary storage

The notice period for a lease on a temporary storage is one calendar month which means that the agreement ends on the last day of the following month. So, if you give notice to end your tenancy for instance during March – any day – your tenancy...

Instructions for moving out

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If you have terminated your lease agreement or your fixed-term lease is ending, please read these instructions carefully before your move. We hope you have enjoyed your time as a tenant of Soihtu! Please remember that termination of the tenancy...

Mail delivery

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Letters and other mail are delivered by Posti and other mail delivery companies. It is the tenant's responsibility to file a moving notice every time they move, therefore Soihtu is not responsible for the previous tenant's mail. If you don't...

Move-out cleaning

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Every apartment must always be cleaned carefully when moving out. Here you can find extensive cleaning instructions when moving out is current.  Responsibilities of a moving tenant include:  Cleaning surfaces in all rooms (e.g....

Returning the keys

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The keys must be returned the latest on the working day that follows the last day of your tenancy agreement by 12 noon. The keys can be returned to the return box at Soihtu Housing service point (Vehkakuja 2 B). Place all of your keys in an envelope...

Tenancy agreement of an estate of a deceased person


After a tenant has passed away, the lease is the estate’s responsibility. The estate can continue the lease if it concerns an apartment that isn’t meant for students only or give notice to end the lease.  The notice must be given in...

Termination of the tenancy agreement


The notice period for an agreement valid until further notice is one calendar month which means that the agreement ends on the last day of the following month. So, if you give notice to end your tenancy for instance during March – any day – your...

Termination of the tenancy agreement


Termination of the tenancy agreement should primarily be done through the separate resident portal (link below). Use this form only if you are unable to log in to the resident portal. Please note that a fixed-term tenancy agreement cannot be...