Authorizing, authorization letter

We don’t give our customers’ information to other people than the customers themselves to protect the customer’s privacy protection.

You can authorize someone to handle issues regarding your housing by delivering us an authorization letter. You can make the authorization letter informally, but it must show who (name and Finnish personal identity code) authorizes, who (name and Finnish personal identity code) is being authorized, and which matters the authorization letter covers. You also have to sign the letter. If you or the person you are authorizing don’t have Finnish personal identity codes, write your and/or their date of birth instead.

If you want to, you can use the authorization letter template that we have made (opens in a new tab). Please note that this authorization letters gives the person a right to handle all matters regarding your housing with Soihtu (JYY).

Please deliver the authorization letter to us signed either on paper or by email. If you want to authorize someone to pick up your keys, you can do that on Tenant’s page. When you have logged in, you can send a message telling the name and the birth date/personal identity code of the person who is coming to pick up your keys.

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