Tenants’ safety instructions

On this page we have gathered common safety instructions for our tenants. We hope you will read these instructions carefully through when moving in to Soihtu apartment. See also the emergency plans and the general housing rules below.

General Housing Rules

Fire safety

As a tenant you can effect on the general fire safety with your own choices. Please consider at least these following instructions:

In an emergency

In urgent emergency, call 112.

  1. Make the call by yourself, if you can.
  2. Explain shortly, what has happened.
  3. Tell specific address and city.
  4. Answer the questions you are asked.
  5. Follow the instructions you are given.
  6. Don’t hang up before you get permission to do so.

In case of fire

If you’re own apartment is on fire

If you’re neighbour’s apartment or the stairwell is on fire

In case of water damage


If you experience a threatening situation in your home or in the immediate vicinity of your home, follow the instructions below. In less severe cases, please follow the general guidelines for disturbances.

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