Apartment inspections

When you move out, Soihtu Facility Services will the check the condition of the apartment. In some apartments in Kortepohja Student Village, also pre-inspections are conducted. Please read the instructions below and out move-out cleaning instructions carefully. 

Apartment inspection 

Soihtu Facility Services are responsible for apartment inspections in all Soihtu’s apartments. The facility services check the condition of the apartment when the previous tenant has returned their keys or the latest during the following day of the last day of the tenancy agreement. Cleaning and emptying the apartment are responsibilities of the tenant who is moving out. The condition of the apartment is compared to the apartment card that you filled in when moving in.

If the move-out cleaning is insufficient, we will charge the tenant who has moved out for the cleaning. Due to the number of apartment inspections, it isn’t possible that the out-moving tenant would be contacted if some defects were noticed in the apartment inspection, but the person doing the inspection orders a cleaning when the inspection is done. Cleaners of Soihtu Facility Services finish the cleaning if it was insufficient. The tenant will get a message that mentions about the need for additional cleaning. The aim is to handle the additional cleaning before the next tenant moves in. The most common things that are found to need further cleaning are a dirty oven, fridge and bathroom. The minimum charge for the further cleaning is for one hour of work. 

An example: Floor of the hallway is found littered in the apartment inspection. A cleaner goes to sweep the floor there. The work takes 10 minutes. The tenant is charged for an hour of work

In case abnormal abrasion, neglect of the condition of the apartment or cleaning is found, or furniture, things and/or rubbish have been left in the apartment, the tenant will be charged for repairs, cleaning and transporting the furniture. 

Shared responsibility

In shared apartments, all tenants are responsible for cleaning the shared rooms. When even one tenant in a shared apartment moves out, the shared rooms must be cleaned when moving out. 

In case the cleaning has been neglected and the shared rooms in the apartment have to be cleaned, all tenants of the apartment are responsible for the payment that is causes. 

Print a cleaning calendar meant for shared apartments to make the cleaning planning with your flat mates easier!

Pre-inspections at Soihtu’s housing locations

Apartments at Soihtu Vehkakuja and apartments in buildings K and L in the Student Village, a pre-inspection is conducted in addition to the apartment inspection during the last month of tenancy. The purpose of the pre-inspection is to gain information about the condition and deficiencies of the apartment so that we can make repairs before the next tenant moves in. Possible deficiencies are broken or leaking plumbing fixtures or light bulbs that have burned out. 

The tenant who is moving out will be informed about the pre-inspection about a week beforehand by email. The tenants needn’t be present when the pre-inspection is conducted.

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