Soihtu Vehkakuja

All apartments of Student Village building E are reserved
All the apartments in the building E of Student Village, which was under renovation, have been rented now starting from Autumn. Check what kind of apartments is still available.

July Tenant’s Info Letter
In this month's Tenant's Info Letter: Workshop, Kortepohjan Festival, Renovation of Kartanonkuja and Tenants' Evening of Korttelikylä.

Looking for an apartment?
The tenants of Soihtu appreciate e.g. communality, study facilities and a gym. Read more about why you should also move to Soihtu.

June Tenant’s Info Letter
In this month's Tenant's Info Letter: common car, Midsummer sauna, Piano Room and Vehkakuja talkoot.

Over one fourth of the tenants responded to the tenant survey
Soihtu conducts an annual tenant survey in two parts. The aim of the spring survey is to map out the Soihtu tenants’ opinions about the area, their own residential building and apartment, and about the area's services and tenant activities.

A new Tenants’ Committee for Soihtu Vehkakuja has been formed
In May, Soihtu Vehkakuja's Tenants' Committee convened a tenants' meeting, which was held in Lillukka on Monday, May 16, 2022. A total of five tenants of Soihtu Vehkakuja, as well as Kimmo Moilanen, Soihtu's chief real estate officer, and Jenna...

May Tenant’s Info Letter
In this month's Tenant's Info Letter: Rentukka turns 50 years, shared car, digital service survey and driving routes in the Student Village.

April Tenant’s Info Letter
In this month's Tenant's Info Letter: tenant survey, cultivation boxes and Sauna-appro.

The key device will be in use soon
A coding device located in Rentukka's lobby will be taken into use on Monday 4 April onward. On the same day (10am-12noon and 1pm-3pm), Soihtu's staff will provide instructions on the use of the device.

eParking will be introduced during the spring
The management of parking spaces will be changed to the eParking system from May 1 onward. Tenants will get more information about this in April.

What options do you have if you leave to another place for a summer job for a student exchange?
What options do you have if you leave to another city for a summer job? Or for a student exchange during the autumn? Here's some tips for you.

March Tenant’s Info Letter
In this month's Tenant's Info Letter: the workshop has now a ski waxing rack, eParking will be introduced during the spring and questionnaire for the tenants of Student Village's buildings K and L.