Door opening, non-functioning key card, spare key

You can call for a door opening that is subject to charge by calling the on-call number any time of day. Notice, that the same price list is valid, if you need a door opening to a common room.

Door openings are handled by Soihtu Facility Services on working days from 7 am to 3.30 pm (price 20€, Note! 25 € from 1.3.2024 onwards) and on other times they are handled by K2 Turvapalvelut (price 50€, Note! 60 € from 1.3.2024 onwards). The phone number is always +358 10 524 8315 (8,35 cent / call + 16,69 cent /min).

You will get the invoice for the door opening to your email afterwards.

Non-functioning key card

The key cards (magnetic stripe key cards and contactless key cards) are valid for a limited time after which the keys have to be renewed by the tenant or changed to new ones (at the service point of Soihtu Housing), depending on the type of the key card. If you forget to renew or pick up a new key card and have to ask the Soihtu Facility Services to open the door, the service will be charged from you.

It is not allow to make a hole for a ring to contactless the key card because the card will be damaged and useless. If your key card is worn-out (magnetic stripe doesn’t work)/non-functioning other way, you can change your card to the new one at the service point of Soihtu Housing or request for it to be collected from the Soihtu Housing key box. Please return your old key card to the service point when picking up the new card. If you request for the key to be collected from the key box, return your old card in an envelope to the service point’s mailbox (be sure to include your name and apartment details on the envelope).

Spare key

In accordance with good rental practice, we will hand over the keys to the tenant when he or she moves in.

Please also remember to take good care of your keys. We will always charge the tenant for lost keys or key cards.

See also:

Lost key

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