Difficulties with rent payment
Here you can find information about how Soihtu is processing with unpaid rents. It usually is a process during which we try to reach the tenant repeatedly providing opportunities and advice to solve the situation. Our rent secretaries and tenant advisor are happy to help you in this situation.
Difficulties with paying your rent?
In case you have difficulties with payments, or you want to ask further information, contact Soihtu Rents. In case of temporary payment difficulties, you can negotiate about making a payment agreement. To agree on the payments, we need an exact date for the payment. If you want to divide the whole sum to several payments, you need to agree on the due date and the amount of each payment. Our rent secretaries have to confirm the proposed schedule for the payments. Please note that you cannot keep making payment agreements constantly. The payment agreement is always done in writing.
If necessary, you can also contact our tenant advisor with whom you can consider solutions for your situation.
Unpaid rents
Rent payment is part of the tenant’s responsibilities, even if the rent is paid by someone else, for example Kela or parents. A reminder will be sent to the tenant after unpaid rents, and if the rent remains unpaid, the tenant will receive a demand for payment.
A payment reminder will always be sent when a tenant has an unpaid invoice, for instance rent. Payment reminders and collection letters are sent by the collection company (Intrum). Please always pay your invoices with the collection charges according to the information on the last invoice that you have received – if you have received a payment reminder, pay it to the account and using the reference number that are mentioned on the invoice.
You will receive payment reminders and collection letters for the first receivable in accordance with the Collection Act. If there are several arrears from different months, be sure to ask the collection company for the total balance of all your receivables so that you can handle all your arrears at once or according to your payment agreement – this way the arrears will not increase your costs. You will not receive a new reminder for each invoice transferred to the collection company if the first invoice is still pending.
Soihtu cannot make payment agreements on invoices sent by the collection company. If necessary, contact them to negotiate on your payments. For further information, see the collection company’s contact information on the invoice or below.
Notification of unpaid rents
When the tenant has in total two unpaid rents or deductibles, Soihtu will send a notification of the unpaid rents. The notification is a warning of rescinding the tenancy agreement and tenant will be adviced to contact Soihtu Rents as soon as possible to negotiate about the unpaid rents. In addition, the tenant will be adviced to contact Soihtu’s tenant advisor, if there is a need for further discussion and advice concerning social benefits etc. The rent and its costs must be paid to the collection company (Intrum Oy), and the payment agreement for those rents needs to be done with them.
Rescinding the tenancy agreement
If we do not reach the tenant after the second rent has expired and the third rent expires, the tenancy agreement will be terminated. The termination of the tenancy agreement is always provided to the tenant in a verifiable manner. However, even after rescinding, the tenant has the option to pay the rent debt, and if the resident is able to pay off the rent debt in full, a new tenancy agreement might be possible, in this case the tenancy agreement is often initially fixed-term.
Moving time after rescinding the tenancy agreement
Usually the agreement expires immediately or to a certain date (f.ex. end of the month). The tenant usually has the opportunity to pay the rent dept after the termination. If the receivables are to be paid in full, Soihtu may consider extending the lease for a fixed term. If the tenant does not make the payment during these 14 days, we expect the tenant to return the keys to Soihtu Housing service point or to the mailbox by 12.00 PM the day after. If there is a reason to assume that the tenant has not moved out of the apartment, Soihtu will have to apply for eviction at this point.
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Paying rent in cash
You cannot pay your rent in cash at the Soihtu Housing service point.
You can pay your rent in cash in the service point of any bank according to the bank’s procedures and opening hours.
You can also ask if a friend or a tutor could pay your rent with their debit/credit card or on their online bank, if you would pay them in cash. Please take care that the rent is paid using your reference number.
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