
What is Soihtu Stay? Get to know our affordable option for summer travel
Soihtu Stay was born from the desire to offer accommodation to travelers in fully furnished apartments, in a relaxed manner and at an affordable price, of course. The good experiences of the pilot summer encouraged us to keep going.

Are you there, Student? It’s Soihtu speaking
Communicating change requires time and sometimes, also dealing with strong emotion. Mari Lähteenmäki, the communications manager at Soihtu, has an important message to share.

Take a peek behind the curtains – What goes on in Soihtu’s financial services?
Article picture: Anssi Kumpula Text: Kati Lehtolahti | Picture: Petteri Kivimäki Many routine tasks that have precise schedules based on monthly and yearly cycles are a part of everyday life in the financial services. Budgeting and...

Soihtu assisting students to put down roots in Jyväskylä
Article picture: Anssi Kumpula Text: Kimmo Moilanen | Picture: Petteri Kivimäki People living in Jyväskylä find themselves in a fortunate situation because Jyväskylä is a growing city. The prognoses are looking good since they are...

Jingle bells, jingle bells and the Christmas party season is approaching again!
Five tips for an organizer of a Christmas party Text: Laura Salo Are you organizing a Christmas party (or “pikkujoulu”) in a restaurant for your group of friends, friends from hobbies or school, your work community or some other...

Buildings full of technology
Text: Jari Pihlajasaari Is the heating on, why isn’t the air conditioning working in my apartment, is the water shut off? Oh no, my key isn’t working, and I can get home! As Soihtu’s technical supervisor I am in charge of building...

A letter to you, a new tenant
Text: Jenna Pigg | Article picture: Anssi Kumpula I got into the school in wanted to, yippee! Moving to a new city – exciting. Will I find my place in the student community? Will I make friends? Hundreds of new tenants in the Student...

Where lies the village spirit?
Text: Jenna Pigg | Picture in the article: Anssi Kumpula Tenants wish they could influence on their own environment more actively and get their voice heard. Only question how to do it, when students’ life is quite active already and then...

One election that took place long ago
Tenants' involvement in decision-making has long roots in the Student Union housing traditions. In 2006, e.g. Rentukka and donuts were related to tenant democracy. But who won the election?

Lots more than Customer Support
Systems specialist Matias Hämäläinen works with Soihtu and its owner Student Union in a variety of different kinds of commissions. His work days include tasks in monitoring, administration, development and support.