Rent increase 1% in March 2022 – changes also in usage fees
Verifying the budget of the Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja for the year 2022, the representatives of the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä and the board of Soihtu business unit have agreed on the rent charged in Student...
JYY stops collecting security deposit
In accordance with the decision made by JYY's Board of Directors, JYY will not collect security deposits from new Soihtu tenants for contracts from 1 January 2022 onwards. This applies to contracts starting on 1 January 2022 or later, in cases where...
Key device is not in use at the moment
Key device located in the lobby of Rentukka is not in use at the moment. If your apartment’s contactless key card stops working during weekend, contact the maintenance company for door opening +358 10 524 8315. You will not be charged for...
November Tenant’s Info letter
Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the tenant. Sometimes the...
Key box makes tenants’ daily lives easier
Soihtu has taken a new key box in use to make the daily lives of the tenants easier. In practice, the tenant can agree with Soihtu Housing customer service to collect their keys from the key box, for example when moving in to new apartment. The...
Student Village is home for the kids as well
Sara Ailu, who is studying to become a class teacher, lives with her family in Kortepohja Student Village. The best thing about the Village, Sara thinks, is the open atmosphere and community spirit.
Moving van has been taken out of service
AH Motors has informed us that their van is not used for renting anymore. The van on the Kortepohja Student Village’s parking deck is owned by AH Motors. If you have rented the van and have any questions about that, please contact AH Motors. If...
September’s moving day
“The best thing about my job is making the everyday life easier for students. It’s also wonderful to see the sincere joy of the tenants moving into their own home,” concludes Katri Leppänen from Soihtu Housing team.
First of May picnic in any weather
“First of May picnics spent here either in sunshine or cold rain are kind of collective memories for students. The atmosphere is always cheerful and relaxed, with good friends and carefully prepared snacks.”
What happens behind every apartment change?
Approximately half of the residents of Soihtu change every year. Apartments are checked after each tenant and if necessary, cleaned or repaired.
October Tenant’s Info letter
Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the tenant. Sometimes the...
Change in the city planning of the Kortepohja center discussed in the City Structure Board
The development of the Kortepohja center has been discussed for several years. JYY has been involved in drawing up a comprehensive development plan for the area in co-operation with the city and other key players in the area, as well as the Museum...