Change in the city planning of the Kortepohja center discussed in the City Structure Board

The development of the Kortepohja center has been discussed for several years. JYY has been involved in drawing up a comprehensive development plan for the area in co-operation with the city and other key players in the area, as well as the Museum of Central Finland.

“We have needed patience along the way, but now the issue is moving forward again,” says Kimmo Moilanen, Chief Real Estate Officer of JYY (Soihtu). “The plan will next go to the board for approval, after which it will be made available to Kortepohja residents and other interested parties.”

In addition to the northern part of the Kortepohja Student Village plot, the city planning area includes the plots of Kortepohja business center, Kortepohja kindergarten, library and congregation center, as well as the connecting streets, parks and parking areas. With the new city plan coming to effect, the MNOP building complex of the Student Village and building K and L are proposed to be demolished. In addition, the plan makes it possible to replace the maintenance service building G next to building F with an apartment building.

Such a significant change in the city plan requires careful planning and scheduling from JYY (Soihtu).

“When the plan comes into effect, we will proceed in phases with JYY’s buildings. The first step is to start planning the new building behind the building Q. If everything goes as planned, construction could possibly start in 2023. Preparations for the demolition of buildings K and L will only be started after that,” says Moilanen.

JYY (Soihtu) will inform the tenants of the buildings in question personally once the schedules have been confirmed.

Read more about the plan on the City of Jyväskylä website. (Only in Finnish)

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