Renewal of the key cards
Tenants of Soihtu have different types of key cards in use, depending on apartment building (magnetic stripe key cards and contactless key cards). The key cards are valid for a limited time after which the keys have to be renewed by the tenant or changed to new ones, depending on the type of the key card. You can find more detailed info on this page.
If you forget to renew or pick up a new key card and have to ask the Soihtu Facility Services to open the door, the service will be charged from you. If your key card is worn-out (magnetic stripe doesn’t work), you can change your card to the new one without extra fee. Please return your worn-out key card to the service point when picking up the new card.
It is not allow to make a hole for a ring to contactless the key card because the card will be damaged and useless.
The contactless key cards are in use in the buildings A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J, R, S, T & U of the Student Village and in Soihtu Korttelikylä apartments. Also the Village Key is contactless key card.
With the devices located in the lobby of Rentukka and in the lobby of building D in Soihtu Korttelikylä, the tenants can add to the validity period on their cards. You can update the cards at any time convenient for you, and the device increases the validity period by 5 months at a time.
Note: You need to update all key cards you have in use at the same time, so that all key cards work properly after updating.
Tenants in shared apartments of buildings R, S, F, H and J need to pick up new key cards from the Service point when the card expires – we will announce tenants beforehand.
The magnetic stripe cards are in use in the Student Village’s buildings M, N, O, P and in all buildings in Soihtu Vehkakuja.
The magnetic stripe cards are valid for two years, and the validity period is building specific. We announce the expiration of the cards in Tenant Information and on the notice boards/front doors of the apartment buildings. Tenants can pick up their new magnetic stripe cards from the Housing service point when the expiration date is near.
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