Housing instructions
Why should you fill in an apartment card when moving in? Can I paint the walls of my apartment? Where should I advise my friend to park their car?
On the Instructions page, we have compiled information, instructions and tips for applying for and living in Soihtu’s housing location. See also our FAQ page for frequently asked questions.
Price list for damages and services
Tenants will be charged according to this price list if they have lost or broken items related to the apartment, or broken or mistreated the apartment in their control. Measures which aren't mentioned in this price list are charged according to...
Responsibilities of taking care of the apartment
Repairs and the work of Soihtu Facility Services both indoors and outdoors are Soihtu's responsibility when they follow the usual wear and tear of the apartment. If the tenant or an outsider causes the need for the repairs or maintenance, the tenant...
Soihtu’s broadband connection support request
Lounea network is taken into use in all Soihtu locations by the end of January 2025. You will be informed about the change via email. When the new Lounea connection has been activated in your apartment, this page about the broadband connection...
Tenant Advisor
At Soihtu, we have our own tenant advisor who you can contact if you encounter challenges regarding residential issues. Our tenant advisor can support you with a bit more challenging problems regarding your tenancy. When you need advice and help...
Using a master key to enter an apartment
Regarding entering an apartment, Soihtu always follows the obligation to notify that is demanded by the Act on Residential leases. When filling in a maintenance request a tenant can give permission to the maintenance staff to enter the apartment...