
Tenants’ Info Letter of July

, / 10.7.2023

Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the...

Tenants’ Info Letter of June

, / 12.6.2023

Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the...

Tips for applying a student apartment

, / 24.5.2023

The summer is approaching and many future students will receive information about their new place of study and start the search for an apartment. During the summer months, Soihtu receives several hundred applications every month. Here are our tips...

The tenant survey has been renewed in May

, / 12.5.2023

Soihtu wants to constantly develop housing services, and for several years we have been monitoring the satisfaction of our tenants with extensive tenant surveys conducted twice a year. Starting in May, tenant satisfaction will be measured with...

The winner of the water saving competition is Soihtu Vehkakuja – congratulations!

, / 8.5.2023

Soihtu organized a water saving competition organized in the spring between all housing locations. The competition was running from 1st of January to 30th of April and the water consumption calculations has now been done. The competition has been...

Sustainable Village 13th of May at 12-15

, , , / 26.4.2023

Kestävä kylä (sustainable village) is an event held in the Kortepohja Student Village (at Rentukka square) dedicated to the circular economy. Why throw things away and buy new things when they can be given new life in someone else’s hands or by...

Kortepohja is planned for people

, , , , / 21.4.2023

Text: Mari Lähteenmäki | Pictures: Tiina Salminen, Visual Friday Kortepohja neighborhood is unique in that the ideals of 1960s and 1970s suburban construction are realized in different ways in different areas.   The Auvilankuja...

Cultivation boxes available 28.3. onwards

, , , / 21.3.2023

The tenants in Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja are able to reserve their own cultivation box free of charge during summer months. There are a total of 20 cultivation boxes in the Student Village (in the courtyard of RS buildings) and...

Soihtu Rents closed 17.3.

, / 14.3.2023

Soihtu Rents is closed on Friday 17th of March 2023. We are available next time on Monday the 20th of March...

Tenants’ Info Letter of March

, / 13.3.2023

Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the tenant. Sometimes the e-mail program interprets the info letter as...

Scam messages concerning rent payments

, / 3.3.2023

Several Finns have been sent fraudulent text messages related to rent dept. The sender of the message is "Taloyhtiö" or a company acting as a landlord. Nothing should be paid to the account number mentioned in the message. There have been no...

Jyväskylä – a place for a student to be

, / 28.2.2023

In Jyväskylä, student life is much more than student parties (although of course there are plenty of those too). Also known as the Athens of Finland, Jyväskylä is a place where you can spend memorable years, enjoying various hobby opportunities,...