Positive prospects for Soihtu’s new construction project in the Kortepohja Student Village

Soihtu aims for a new building in Kortepohja Student Village to serve e.g. students’ families. The new building will be placed along the Kartanonkuja street, between buildings Q and E. Excisting buildings are not demolished from the way of the new building, labelled as “hybrid building”.

Versatile apartment types and a new shop

A total of 68 apartments are planned for the residential floors. The apartments are located on the 2nd to 9th floors of the 9-story building. The house’s selection of apartments is wide: the new building consists of two- and three-bedroomed apartments along with studios.

A grocery store by Keskimaa is located in a separate wing of the building. In addition to that, the street level of the new building has a business space for one or more operators. The renewed business spaces can help the services stay in the area as the district is developing.

Permits and securing financing affect the construction schedule

The part of the site plan process of the city of Jyväskylä concerning the plot of land in the southern area of Kortepohja Student Village has been completed and became law in June 2023.

Provided that the new site of Soihtu receives a building permit from the city of Jyväskylä and a start permit from Ara, construction can begin in late autumn 2023. The progress of the project will be communicated on the website of Soihtu. Previously the new project has been featured e.g. in an article published on our website and in an interview story published in Kylä-lehti magazine in spring 2023.

A preliminary contract was signed with the construction company Soimu

Soihtu has signed a preliminary agreement with the construction company Soimu on the project’s implementation plan and contracting. The construction company Soimu originates from Eastern Finland. Founded in 1990, Soimu has started to expand its operations to Central Finland from early 2023. In its press release, Soimu characterizes the hybrid building of Soihtu as “a very significant opening for a new market area”.

The Kortepohja district is being renewed one construction project at a time

The city of Jyväskylä is committed to the development of the Kortepohja residential area and recently built a new kindergarten-school-library in the area. The city is also planning to renew the light traffic routes in the area.

In connection with the Soihtu hybrid project, the yard of the Kortesuo daycare center operating in the building Q of Kortepohja Student Village will also be renovated. Renewed services improve the attraction and holding power of the whole district.

The City of Jyväskylä updates the phases of the new city plan on its webpage (in Finnish).

Havainnekuva Kartanonkujan varrelle sijoittuvasta kerrostalosta

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