Tips for applying a student apartment

The summer is approaching and many future students will receive information about their new place of study and start the search for an apartment. During the summer months, Soihtu receives several hundred applications every month. Here are our tips that will improve the probability of getting an apartment from Soihtu. Read also our instructions for applying via link below. Good luck with the application!

1. Apply for an apartment starting from June or July

Many apartments become available in spring and early summer, when there is a higher probability of getting an apartment that meets your needs. You can apply for an apartment from us even before the place of study is confirmed, but we can only offer student apartments in Kortepohja Student Village when you have a certificate of the place of study.

2. Don’t limit your application too much

If you need an apartment for the fall, don’t limit your application too much. The more housing locations and apartment types you add on your application, the more likely it is that you will receive an apartment offer from us.

3. Fill out the application carefully – remember the attachments!

Fill in all the fields in the application carefully and include information about accepting the study place. During the busy summer months, we don’t have time to inquire about missing attachments, so your application may be processed as incomplete if it doesn’t have the necessary attachments.

Some of our apartments are ARA student housing locations (ARA is the Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland). The tenant selection criteria of ARA specify the tenant selection to these student housing locations. So kindly be careful when filling in the information.

Student housing in Soihtu

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