Next week is Fire Safety Week – check the safety of your own apartment

National Fire Safety Week is from 25 November to 1 December 2023.

It is much easier to prevent a fire than to put it out. It might not occur to you that even if the fire isn’t very big, the smoke it causes will quickly destroy important things. Furniture, clothes and other items in the home must be renewed. Besides, a fire always causes mental suffering, even if no one is physically injured. Fire often also affects the immediate family. Neighbors have to suffer. There will be repair costs. That is why fire safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Improving your home’s fire safety is not a huge project. With the help of the tenants’ safety instructions, you can improve your and your neighbors safety rather easily. A fire-safe room – less heating feeling. Also check the Ei olla liekeis series on the campaign’s own website, where Finnish influencers perform various fire safety-related tasks assigned to them. And remember to check your smoke alarms on Nordic Smoke Alarm Day 1 December 2023!

Fire Safety event in Lillukka on 27th of November

Fire Safety Week is at the end of November, and to mark the occasion we are organising a fire safety evening for tenants in Lillukka on 27 November at 16.30. A safety communication expert from the Central Finland Fire Department will talk about emergency preparedness, possible risk factors in homes and measures to improve safety.

The event is open to all tenants and does not require advance registration. Welcome! 

Paloturvallisuusviikko 25.11.–1.12.2023

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