From a swimming spot to a sledding hill
Soihtu’s real estate manager Markku Kilpi names Haapaniemi beach his favorite place in Jyväskylä. The beach was close to his childhood home and he used to spent time there with friends during both summers and winters.
“After the ice melted, we went swimming and played by the creek that flows into the lake. In winter, the slope served as a sledding hill, and you could slide far, all the way to the frozen lake.”
Markku describes the beach as a golden memory, which has become more nostalgic with age. These days, he visits the beach regularly during the summer – inspired by memories.
“Haapaniemi beach was a good sledding hill in winter, a great location to build dams by the creek in the springtime and a nice place to swim in summer,” he says. Today, he appreciates the peaceful location and tranquility of the beach.
To the question of whether the place looks and feels the same it did as a child, the answer is clear.
“It doesn’t, and that’s quite alright. However, the nostalgia for ease has remained in place.”
Haapaniemi beach is Markku’s favorite place in Jyväskylä
“After the ice melted, we went swimming and played by the creek that flows into the lake. In winter, the slope served as a sledding hill, and you could slide far, all the way to the frozen lake.” – Markku Kilpi, Soihtu’s real estate manager

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