The deposit

JYY has not been collecting security deposits from new Soihtu tenants for contracts from 1 January 2022 onwards. This applies to contracts starting on 1 January 2022 or later, in cases where the apartment offer has been sent to the applicant on 1 December 2021, or later. JYY has not been collecting security deposits from foreign exchange students and degree students after 1 June 2022.

As a general rule, the security deposit will not be charged from new tenants after this change. In certain cases, the security deposit may still be charged, for example, if the applicant has a poor credit history or due to another similar reason. In this case, the security deposit corresponds to one month’s rent.

The deposit has been 300€ (rooms in shared apartments and studios) or 600€ (bigger apartments). The offer includes payment instructions for paying the deposit. By paying the deposit you commit to accepting the offered apartment from the date mentioned on the offer. The deposit is your guarantee that you will take care of the tenant’s responsibilities and take good care of the apartment. If you want to cancel accepting the apartment after paying the deposit, 100€ of arrangement and administrative costs will be deducted before we return the deposit. If you want to cancel accepting the apartment after signing the tenancy agreement, the notice period for an open-ended rent agreement is one calendar month. A fixed-term rent agreement cannot be terminated.

The deposit will be refunded within two months after the tenancy agreement has ended provided that you have returned your keys in time, your apartment is in order and you have taken care of all of your responsibilities. Please remember to inform us all necessary bank account information so that we can refund the deposit as soon as possible. If you have not got your deposit back on time, please contact Soihtu’s rent secretary.

Returning the security deposit

JYY (Soihtu) will refund previously paid security deposits to their tenants at the end of the rental agreement. The amount of the security deposit is currently 300€ in shared apartments and studios and 600€ in other apartment types. Some of JYY’s (Soihtu) tenants may have paid a smaller security deposit if the contract has been made before the current deposit prices have been in use. To return the deposit, we need your bank account information. To do that, please fill in the online form (link below).

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