In Kortepohja Student Village there are variety of services near-by and most of them included to your rent. Restaurant, gym, studying spaces and rooms for freetime can be found from Rentukka.
From Rentukka you can find following spaces and services:
- Restaurant Rentukka (Semma)
- Gym
- Learning spaces (one in Rentukka, one in building B)
- Club room
- Group work room
- Meeting and party venue Lillukka
- Band room
- Workshop (building B)
- Laundry room Bubble (building B)
- Meeting room Bertta (building B)
- Rental sauna Bastu (building B)
- Smartpost parcel automat (building B)
- The Tenants’ Committee’s office (ex Info Desk)

Heart of a Living Village
The Rentukka building was build already in 1972 and originally it has served as the Student village’s maintenance building, with the Student Union’s accommodation and financial offices, telephone exchange and a 300-seat restaurant.
Over the decades, Rentukka has served as a significant meeting place for both the tenants of the Student village and other residents of Jyväskylä. In 2018, Rentukka was renovated into a community building that promotes the well-being of the area’s tenants.
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More News

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Tenants’ Info Letter of January
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Apply for the new apartments in Kortepohja Student Village
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