Parking places
Parking is allowed only on the marked car parks. The parking places of Soihtu will be rented in the eParking system. A parking fee will be paid in the eParking system as well.
If you want to rent a parking place, you must first apply for the right to reserve a parking placed based on your address. You can queue for the parking place before your tenancy agreement begins, but it has to be signed. More information on renting a parking place can be found at the webpage of eParking.
Permanent car parking available in following housing locations:
- Kortepohja Student Village
- Soihtu Vehkakuja
Notice, that Soihtu Korttelikylä is a car-free housing location, where only guest parking available.
Price list for the parking places (1st of March 2024 onward):
- Place without heating 10 €/month (only in the Student Village)
- Place with heating 12 €/month
- Place with shelter, no heating 14 €/month (only in the Student Village)
- Place with heating and shelter 22 €/month
- Place for electric car 32 €/month (only in the Student Village)
Key for the heating pole
When making new parking place agreement, the key/token for the heating pole can be requested to be left in the key box in the service point of Soihtu Housing. A right for a parking place is proved by showing a reservation on eParking. You can also use a coin to open the heating pole that opens with a token.
Termination of the parking space
When you are moving out, you as the tenant must terminate the parking space agreement to end at the same time as the tenancy agreement. The landlord also has the right to terminate the parking space agreement to end simultaneously with the apartment tenancy agreement.

Questions about parking?
In matters related to parking place reservation or parking fee, please contact the customer service of eParking. Also if someone is parking on your place, you can contact the customer service of eParking.
The parked car’s registration number must be correct in the eParking system because the parking control is based on scanning the registration plate. It is possible to add several car registration numbers to the same parking space.
eParking customer service:
tel. +358 3 4108 9272
In matters related to the condition of parking places, kindly file a maintenance request to Soihtu Facility Services.
See also
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