How to apply for changing apartments

You can apply for changing apartments by filling in an apartment application. Applying for and offering an apartment proceeds in the same way as with all other applicants. When changing apartments inside the Student Village, you don’t need to consider the normal notice period.

The applicant accepts the apartment offer by signing the tenancy agreement electronically by the due date of the offer. If the applicant cannot identify electronically i.e., sign the agreement electronically, he or she must accept the apartment offer by signing the agreement at the service point of Soihtu Housing.

If you change apartment within the same apartment type, for instance form studio to studio, we will charge you a service fee of 55 € with the first rent. If you change to another apartment type, for instance from a shared apartment to a studio, or if the change is due to changes in the size of family or health related reasons, the service won’t be charged.

If you are changing your apartment from Soihtu’s apartment to another Soihtu’s apartment, please fill in the notice form after you have accepted the new apartment offer and signed the tenancy agreement. Please do not fill in the form before you have signed the new tenancy agreement.

Organize the moving day properly

Please note that when moving from one apartment to another, you often have to return the keys to the previous apartment before or at the same time as you receive the keys to the new apartment.

Here are some tips for moving:

  • Pack everything and do the cleaning in good time before the actual moving day.
  • Reserve a van or other kind of transport for the day of the move, in which you can keep the furniture until you get the keys to the new apartment.
  • You can also inquire at Soihtu Housing service point if either tenancy agreement can be extended. This is only possible for an additional fee.
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