Results from the autumn 2022 tenant survey
Soihtu conducts a tenant survey annually in two parts. In the autumn, we find out our residents’ experiences with the maintenance and condition of the properties and related services. In the spring, we research our residents’ opinions of their own residential building, apartment, services, and activities on the area.
The autumn 2022 resident survey was the first to which the tenants of Soihtu Korttelikylä have also responded. The research material was collected from the tenants as an internet survey 14.-27.11.2022 sent to all tenants who subscribe to the Soihtu Tenant Info newsletter. The survey’s response rate was 25,1 %. Since the 2021 autumn survey was not carried out, we have compared the results with surveys from previous years (2018-2020).
In the English translation, all quotes have been translated to English, regardless of which language they were originally given in.
“On the whole, living with Soihtu has been easy and comfortable. Fortunately, you don’t have to move out of here immediately after graduation ❤”
(Tenants of Soihtu Korttelikylä)
“Communication at Soihtu works really well and surveys like this are a good and easy way to [get / give] information that would otherwise often go unsaid”
Soihtu’s tenants are quite satisfied with their apartment
Many tenants (83% of the respondents) declared that they completely or fairly agreed with the statement “I am overall satisfied with my own apartment”. The residents in Soihtu Korttelikylä and in the southern area of the Kortepohja student village were the most satisfied with their own apartment.
Most respondents (78%) felt that their apartment was neat and clean when they moved in. The tenants of studio apartments were the most satisfied with the cleanliness of the apartment at the time of moving in (87%).
“The sound insulation of the house is obviously good because it is wonderfully quiet here. I am especially pleased with the balcony; how did I manage without a balcony before! The third subject of thanks: a large bathroom. No particular downsides, except the storages could be bigger and the paid storage options could be cheaper.”
(Kortepohja Student Village, southern area)
Maintenance and facility services in Soihtu’s housing locations
Soihtu’s facility services received good reviews for the staff’s friendliness, politeness, and willingness to serve, as well as the distinction of the cleaning and maintenance staff as a professional group.
In comparison to the previous resident survey (2020) that dealt with maintenance, the overall satisfaction with maintenance and the upkeep of facilities has developed in a good direction. Satisfaction has increased the most with the care of yard areas and with communication from repair work concerning residents.
76 percent of the respondents say that they know in which matters they should contact the maintenance company. 69 percent know how the responsibility for maintaining the apartment is divided between the tenant and the landlord. About half of the respondents (53%) have familiarized themselves with Soihtu’s repair responsibility table, in which these matters have been opened. The Soihtu repair responsibility table can be found in the Housing Instructions section on our website.
“Peaceful place and everything that the student needs are found in this student village. I just love the area.”
(Kortepohja student village, northern area)
“Thank you for the saunas, they are always very clean!”
Waste disposal
Most residents (93% of the respondents) say that they sort their own waste. Respondents are the most satisfied with the location of the recycling points. The least satisfied the tenants are with the cleanliness of the environment around the recycling points. Tenants of the southern area of Kortepohja and Soihtu Vehkakuja are the most satisfied with the functionality of waste management (average value 4.0/5).
“There could be better instructions on waste recycling from Soihtu’s side.”
(Kortepohja Student Village, Southern area)
“Please if you could send out a communication to the Tenants to be clean and don’t get the elevators dirty for unnecessary reasons.”
“Large quantities of cardboard are repeatedly placed in the paper collection.”
70 percent of the residents who responded to the survey say that they cycle in Jyväskylä. Most respondents who cycle in Jyväskylä (92%) feel that the cycling routes in and around their place of residence are safe. Bicycles are most stored in the bicycle storage of the residential building (53%) and/or in the bicycle rack in front of the residential building (36%). 62 percent of the residents of Soihtu are satisfied with the storage facilities for bicycles in their residence. The residents of Soihtu Korttelikylä are the most satisfied with the bike storage options.
Rentukka’s gym
Almost half of the respondents (45%) say they use Rentukka’s gym. Of the respondents who use the gym, 76 percent are satisfied with the gym equipment selection. 79 percent say they are generally satisfied with the maintenance of the gym equipment.
The answers that the tenants gave to the open-ended question about the maintenance and equipment stock of Rentukka’s gym have been processed together with the gym correspondent of the residents’ committee of Kortepohja Student Village.
Future renovation and regional development projects
Every fourth respondent (25%) says that they know where to get information about ongoing renovation and construction projects in their area. The amount has slightly decreased over the years. About one in five respondents (19%) is interested in participating in the ideation and planning of renovation and regional development projects, e.g., in the form of a workshop. Soihtu’s construction projects are updated on the website dealing with the theme.
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