Paying rent with card is not possible after July
Soihtu won’t accept card payments at the service point of Soihtu Housing from August 2022 onwards. Accepted payment methods are a bank transfer and TransferMate payment service. Most of Soihtu’s tenants have already paid their rents by bank transfer or through the TransferMate payment service. Due to the upkeep costs of the card payment, Soihtu will only accept rent payments to its bank account from August 2022.
Every tenant is personally responsible for their rent payments and the rent must be paid by the 6th day of each month.
As a tenant of Soihtu, you can see the payment information for paying the rent on your invoice. Remember that you can also check your payments at your Tenant’s page anytime. There you can also print your rent invoice if necessary.
More information about the valid payment methonds available in Housing Instructions -section.
Soihtu has sent a notice to the tenants who have been paid their rents at the Soihtu Housing service point during last 6 months.
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