Noises of the city disappear in nature

Story: Jenni Kirkkomäki | Photo: Sanna Kostamo

Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja are conveniently located next to Laajavuori, Haukanniemi and Viitaniemi outdoors and hiking routes, and many summer dwellers cycle around the Tuomiojärvi lake or go swimming at Köhniö. But what if the neighboring areas are already too familiar, and roaming new places feels intriguing? The Chair of the Board of Executives of the Student Union in 2021, Petri Laaksonen, shares his knowledge of a gem hiding in plain sight, reachable easily by bike or bus.

Geocaching brought a real gem

Less than 20 kilometers from the center of Jyväskylä is Säynätsalo, surrounded by Lake Päijänne. The district, which consists of islands, made a great impression on Petri Laaksonen, Chair of JYY’s Board, already during his first visit. Geocaching led him and his friends to a discovery that was more fascinating than they could first imagine.

Since his first excursion last spring, Petri has visited the island of Muuratsalo several times – usually by bicycle. “The most important memories have to do with bike rides, admiring the sunset and moments shared with friends.”

A trip to the island is a break from everyday life for Petri. Most often it is a full day excursion to the island with its abundant possibilities: nature adventures, hiking on an icy lake or bouldering; climbing on top of rocks. “When in nature, the noise of the city disappears.”

Get there by bus or bike

Getting to Säynätsalo is easy. “By bike via Keljonkangas, Kinkomaa and Säynätsalo or with busses 16 or 21,” Petri instructs. “People often visit other natural sites in Jyväskylä, not knowing of the existence of this hidden gem.”

The text has been previously published in Kylä magazine 1 / 2021.

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