The service fee

The service fee will also be charged for contract changes requested by the tenant according to the price list. You can see the service fee on your rent invoice.

The service fee covers part of the costs that form when making changes to the contract, such as contract management, credentials for reservation services, and possible additional keys or apartment inspections.

The service fee is charged on 1 January 2024 in the following situations:

If you change to another apartment type, for instance from a shared apartment to a studio, or if the change is due to health-related issues, getting a child or related to a child’s custody the service fee isn’t charged. If you are changing apartments because the apartment or the building is going to be renovated, or the reason for the change is otherwise tied to the landlord, the service fee isn’t charged. The move is seen to be due to the renovation of the building once the landlord has terminated the tenancy agreements of the tenants of the building. (Decision of The Council of Representatives of the Student Union regarding the collection of the service fees on the 19th of May, 2021)

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