Terms of usage for the student residential network

The Student Residential Network is a study-oriented auxiliary service and its primary function is to promote learning and activities related to studies through the usage of the Internet.

In addition to these terms, the terms of usage pertaining to the data communications network and computer systems of the University of Jyväskylä must be adhered to where appropriate. The usage of the residential network connection may not conflict with those terms.


The tenant of a flat is also the keeperof the network connection in that flat. The connection is personal and the keeper of the connection is responsible for all the use of his or her connection. Each keeper of aconnection must take care of the security of his or her own computer and try to rule out the possibility of unauthorized use.

The University of Jyväskylä is responsible for the technical functioning of the network connections, overseeing their use and setting any necessary limitations. The lessor is responsible for the administration of the network connections.

The University of Jyväskylä has the right to limit or stop network traffic or access to various services, if necessary, to secure the usability of the network, curb expenses or due to some other obvious reasons.

Forbidden Activities

Providing any kinds of network services to outsiders or even for the tenant’s private use is strictly forbidden. Private use of terminal services can be allowed, for example SSH, if such use hasn’t been technically hindered. Those who have been granted leave, are entitled to set up and provide a service that has been approved by the University of Jyväskylä Computing Centre.

Using the network connection

The network connection or the services tied to it may not be shared with outsiders.

The usage of the network connection can be reasonably broadened for the tenant’s own private use, for example by hooking up another computer. For the same purpose the user can hook up his or her own network equipment unless their use is specifically forbidden and if they do not endanger the functioning of the connection. The user who broadens the connection is always liable for any physical damages and other harm that may be caused to the activities on or functionality of the network as a result of the user’s actions.


Those found to be abusing the Student Residential Network will have their connections shut down temporarily or for good. Shutting down a network connection and setting other limitations on a user are done by the University of Jyväskylä. Neither the university nor the lessor accepts any liability for any direct or indirect expenses caused by shutting down the network connection.

Changing the rules and currently valid rules

These rules may be changed by posting an announcement on the message boards of all houses one month prior to the changes taking effect.

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