Soihtu’s broadband connection support request

Lounea network is taken into use in all Soihtu locations by the end of January 2025. You will be informed about the change via email.

When the new Lounea connection has been activated in your apartment, this page about the broadband connection does not concern you. Contact Lounea’s customer service.

Fill in this form to request support in connecting to the Internet via the Soihtu’s broadband connection in Soihtu’s housing location.

Soihtu’s broadband connection support request

Soihtu’s broadband connection support request form

  • Personal Info

  • The device you use to browse Internet with

    Describe at least the device you primarily use to browse Internet via Soihtu’s broadband connection.
  • For example: Windows 10, Android, IOS, MacOS….
  • Router information

    If you have a router, fill in its details. Leave this space empty, if it doesn’t apply to you.
  • You can also upload a photo of the sticker in the bottom of the device (the last question on the form)
  • Description of the problem

  • As exactly as possible: when and how the problem occurs, etc.
  • Your network setup

  • If you want, you can upload a photo of the device you are using or another photo which best describes your problematic situation.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB, Max. files: 5.
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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