Mail delivery

Letters and other mail are delivered by Posti and other mail delivery companies.

It is the tenant’s responsibility to file a moving notice every time they move, therefore Soihtu is not responsible for the previous tenant’s mail.

If you don’t want the post office to distribute ads, you can attach a tidy “Ei mainoksia” (No advertisements) sticker to your mailbox. The stickers are installed for you in the building E of the Kortepohja Student Village and in Soihtu Korttelikylä. If you want advertisements, cover the sticker neatly.

Postilaatikko, jossa lukee ei mainoksia

What to do if I receive mail that is meant for another person?

From time to time, it happens that the previous tenant has forgotten to file a moving notice and their mail may ends up in your mailbox. If you receive mail addressed to another person, follow these instructions by Posti:

  • Do not open the letter.
  • Write on top of the envelope “Does not live in this address” or “Wrong address”.
  • Bring the envelope to the closest post office or Posti’s orange mail box, which you can usually find next to markets.

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