Electricity and water

As Soihtu’s tenant, the electricity bill is included in your rent. Moreover, in Soihtu Vehkakuja and most of the buildings in Kortepohja Student Village, the usage of water is included in the apartment rent. Although energy costs do not directly increase your own living expenses, the most responsible way of life for the climate and society is to use electricity and water sparingly.

As a landlord and real estate developer, we at Soihtu make sure that the electricity and water we use are as environmentally friendly as possible. On this page you will find information about the energy we use and tips for saving energy in everyday life.

As a tenant, how can I influence to water and electricity consumption?

  • Report any leaks in taps and the toilet bowl to property maintenance as soon as possible.
  • Do not wash dishes under running water.
  • When washing laundry, only wash full machine.
  • Spend as little time as possible in the shower and prefer general sauna shifts.
  • Turn off the lights and other power devices when you don’t need them.
  • Do not place furniture or refrigeration equipment in front of radiators to allow warm air to flow into the apartment.
  • Make sure that air can flow around the refrigeration equipment in the apartment.
  • When charging electrical appliances, disconnect the charger from the wall after use when charging is complete.
  • Do not use additional heaters in the apartment – they consume a lot of energy and are a fire safety risk.
  • With energy-efficient appliances, you save water and energy.

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, , , , / 11.3.2025

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