Versatile sports center
Text: Jenni Kirkkomäki | Pictures: Mari Mansikkamäki, Visual Friday
Located in Rautpohja, Jyväskylä, Hippos is home to many sports clubs and has plenty of sports and competition venues. Valtteri Aarnu, who studies computer science at the university, is from Jyväskylä, so he is familiar with the area and its buildings since childhood.
“Nowadays I play badminton and use my subject association and university’s sports turns, some of which are held at Hippos,” says Valtteri, who lives in Soihtu Korttelikylä.
For the people of Jyväskylä, Hippos has always been part of the cityscape. Although there is a new baseball field in the area, Hippos has otherwise remained the same for a long time. Ice hockey, gymnastics, athletics and football are examples of the sports that Valtteri has practiced at Hippos. As a child, he would warm up running around Köyhälampi.
“As a kid, I went to watch a lot of JYP games, and I still go a couple of times a year.”
The area’s location near the center and its versatile sports opportunities receive thanks from Valtteri, who mentions Hippos being his favorite place.
“The sports turns are cheap, and you get a student discount,” he says.
“The sports turns are cheap, and you get a student discount.”
Valtteri Aarnu, tenant of Soihtu
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