Community manager’s week 

Text: Anni Pajari | Pictures: Mari Mansikkamäki, Visual Friday


An important part of my tasks is tenant counselling; supporting tenants with problems related to housing or life skills in general. Today, for example, I write reminders about rents that are due and contact tenants to make sure their housing is not at risk. 

In most cases, things work out when the tenant gets help to sort out their situation. Sometimes the tenant cannot be reached, or the measures taken do not help, and the tenancy agreement has to be terminated. Delivering the termination notice to a tenant is always stressful. In those situations, I try to remember that sometimes it’s necessary for the tenant, who may finally want to receive help from others to continue living at Soihtu. 

Tenant advisory also includes dealing with disturbance reports and cooperating with other involved sectors, such as the social services. 


Community Manager is a link between Soihtu and its Tenants’ Committees in different locations. I’m preparing November’s tenants’ meetings, where the Committees for the following year will be elected and where all tenants are invited to. I’m delighted that we have active Tenants’ Committees in all locations; Student Village, Vehkakuja and Korttelikylä. When needed, I contact the chairpersons and answer their questions and attend meetings to provide updates. 

At the end of the day, I check the vacant apartments. My tasks include the selection of tenants, which is affected by many factors, particularly in the case of ARA buildings. Tenants are selected based on ARA’s guidelines and JYY’s Housing Regulations, so for each apartment I have to consider the applicants’ situations and make a selection based on a means test. Once a suitable apartment and the applicant who needs it the most have been found, I send an apartment offer to the applicant. I’m particularly happy if I manage to find exactly the kind of apartment the applicant has been looking for. 


The day begins on a breakfast with the Vehkakuja staff, where the whole team catches up once a month. This time, we discuss the construction schedule for the hybrid building and other current issues. 

During the day, I have a lecture at the university. I appreciate that my employer supports my education, and I can study while working. However, combining studies and work requires good scheduling, especially as you cannot always plan everything in advance. 

Organizing events is not really part of the Community Manager’s role. However, Tenants’ Committees are enthusiastic about events and they get an annual grant, as well as support and advice from the Community Manager, for example on communications and space bookings. 

Today is an exception, and workday continues until the evening, as I’m organizing a Village Party for Soihtu tenants. There has been a lot of things to take care of and I’m afraid I have forgotten something important, but fortunately there are no issues. Rentukka is packed with people from all Soihtu locations, enjoying evening snacks and live music together. 

“I’m delighted that we have active Tenants’ Committees in all locations.”

Anni Pajari, Community manager of Soihtu Housing

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