Rentukka gym and study spaces, Opinkivi sauna, meeting rooms Bertta and Lillukka, and Bastu-sauna, are closed until the end of February

Soihtu closes the Rentukka gym and study spaces including clubroom and groupwork room, Lillukka, Opinkivi sauna, meeting room Bertta and Bastu-sauna between 27.1. and 28.2.2021 as a pre-emptive measure against the spread of Coronavirus infections. The holders of the existing reservations will be contacted. The reservations can be cancelled and the paid fees returned, or the reservation can be moved further into another date.

Housing related spaces (the laundry rooms of Soihtu’s housing locations, the workshop in building B) stay open. The band rehearsal room and piano room stay open for the tme being. The closing of the general sauna turns in Soihtu’s housing locations was communicated earlier this week. The weekly personal sauna turns of Soihtu’s tenants are closed starting from 29.1.

All users of the common premises should keep in mind that the spaces are not cleaned between turns during the same day or during the weekend, so maintaining good hand and coughing hygiene is important in using the spaces. Keep a safety distance with anyone using the space at the same time. If you have reserved your own turn, you are responsible for the use and safety of the space during your own turn.

Please keep safety distance when moving about in the hallways and common spaces of the buildings and follow the Jyväskylä regional guidelines on e.g. mask use. If you are quarantined or sick, stay at home. Don’t spend unnecessary time in the hallways or common areas of your building. Get tested and follow the instructions from health officials and authorities.

EDIT 29.1.2021 Added info about closing the personal sauna turns.

Updating article on the effects of the Corona virus in the Soihtu services (on webpage)

The current Corona related regulations and recommendations regarding the city of Jyväskylä (link opens in new window)

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