During Corona epidemic, life turns to home – Soihtu is taking measures to make transition smoother
Last week, a record number of Corona virus infections was diagnosed in Jyväskylä, and according to the contacts Soihtu has received from the health authorities, we are aware that there are quarantined and isolated people living also in Soihtu’s apartments.
For us it’s important to secure the well-being and safety of all tenants. We hope that the measures we are introducing make the quarantine easier an keep the buildings safe for everyone.
Using the common areas in the buildings during quarantine or isolation
If you are in quarantine and have no symptoms, you can use the laundry room of your building on your own reserved turn, maintaining good hand hygiene, keeping safety distance, and wearing a mask. Avoid contact with other people.
In quarantine, you can move outside, keeping separate from others. You an take out your trash with good hand hygiene and wearing a mask. Avoid touching any surfaces (walls, railings, light switches) unnecessarily.
If you get any symptoms when quarantined, follow the instructions from the communicable diseases’ physician.
When in isolation, you must follow the instructions you received in the phone call from the communicable diseases’ physician. In isolation, it is necessary to avoid all contacts with people. Stay at home when you are isolated. Do not use the laundry rooms or move about in the building.
Everyone can do their share
The Student Union JYY and JAMKO remind the students of how everyone can help prevent the spread by their own actions. Read the joint article in the JYY webpage (opens in new window).
The University of Jyväskylä JYU and the Student Union JYY have joined forces to create a campaign for voluntary helpers and those in need of help in quarantine to get connected. You can register as someone who needs help during quarantine or isolation, or volunteer to help others, via the JYU webpage (link to an article in jyu.fi opens in new window).
Opening hours of the offices
Service point of Soihtu Housing:
Service point is CLOSED until 28.2.2021. Thus, we can keep the contacts at minimum and avoid the spreading of the virus.
If you are moving in, you need to contact us by email or phone before picking up your keys. We kindly ask all tenants to take care of the payments by bank/online bank system when the service point is closed.
Rentukka Info Desk:
Rentukka’s Info Desk is CLOSED until 28.2.2021.
Meanwhile you can contact us via e-mail or phone. If you need to use the Learning Space’s printer for your studies, you can do it only on Mondays between 11 am – 3 pm.
- Do not visit the offices or restaurants if you are in quarantine or isolation.
Questions about corona virus
Healthcare Corona helpline for Jyväskylä citizens tel. 014 266 0133, Monday to Friday 8.00 – 16.00, Saturday and Sunday 9.00 – 15.00. At other times, call the on-call number 116 117. If you need an interpreter, let the health care workers know on the phone call. Booking service and result notification for the hearing impaired by SMS, tel. 050 303 7722.
The FSHS doesn’t provide services for communicable diseases, so in case you heed health services in Corona related issues and symptoms, turn to the Healthcare helpline for Jyväskylä citizens.
Help and well-being to support life at home
Good vibes afternoon chat
Good vibes afternoon chat via Teams, every Tuesday and Thursday between 14 and 15.30 starting on Thursday 4.2.2021.
Relaxed chat, peer support and meeting in safe atmosphere!
Link to the chat: http://bit.do/afternoonchat
Remote Yoga on Wednesdays 14.30 – 15.30
Yoga is a way to recharge your energies and let go of any stress. While some classes will be more challenging, e.g., when we try different arm balances, others will concentrate more on stretching and relaxing. All classes are open, and you don’t need any background in Yoga to take part. During the lock down, the yoga classes will be held via Zoom. Join the WhatsApp group to know more and to receive the Zoom link (opens in new window)!
The University of Jyväskylä’s advice and guidance to support your well-being during corona epidemic
The Student Life team has compiled some instructions and advice to support you in this exceptional situation. All Student Life guidance services operate as normally, but remotely. See all advice and well-being services from JYU on their webpage (opens in new window).
Follow the updated info
Instructions for staying in quarantine on soihtu.fi webpage (link to soihtu.fi article)
The Finnish health authority THL:s instructions (link to thl.fi opens in new window)
The Jyväskylä city recommendations and restrictions (link to jyvaskyla.fi/en opens in new window)
Exceptions to Soihtu services caused by Corona virus (link to an updating article on soihtu.fi)
EDIT 3.2.2021 at 12.25: added information and a link to jyu.fi on the Coronavirus assistance campaign
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