Kylä magazine

Student Village is home for the kids as well
Sara Ailu, who is studying to become a class teacher, lives with her family in Kortepohja Student Village. The best thing about the Village, Sara thinks, is the open atmosphere and community spirit.

September’s moving day
“The best thing about my job is making the everyday life easier for students. It’s also wonderful to see the sincere joy of the tenants moving into their own home,” concludes Katri Leppänen from Soihtu Housing team.

First of May picnic in any weather
“First of May picnics spent here either in sunshine or cold rain are kind of collective memories for students. The atmosphere is always cheerful and relaxed, with good friends and carefully prepared snacks.”

What happens behind every apartment change?
Approximately half of the residents of Soihtu change every year. Apartments are checked after each tenant and if necessary, cleaned or repaired.

Noises of the city disappear in nature
Kortepohja Student Village and Soihtu Vehkakuja are conveniently located next to Laajavuori, Haukanniemi and Viitaniemi outdoors and hiking routes, and many summer dwellers cycle around the Tuomiojärvi lake or go swimming at Köhniö. But what if the neighboring areas are already too familiar, and roaming new places feels intriguing? The Chair of the Board of Executives of the Student Union in 2021, Petri Laaksonen, shares his knowledge of a gem hiding in plain sight, reachable easily by bike or bus.

Proud of the own self-grown food
Last spring, Laura Del Castillo Munera, a tenant of the Kortepohja Student Village, read in the tenant newsletter about the possibility of getting her own cultivation box for the summer. Both Laura and her flatmate were excited about the idea of growing vegetables from the beginning, on their own yard.

Viewpoint on Housing: Tenant Activity in Transition
In the early days of Kortepohja Student Village it was assumed, as was typical to the 60’s and 70’s, that everyone wanted to participate in developing their living environment.

A friend became a flatmate
Although most students these days want to live in their own studio apartment, after moving to Finland Maria Marouli wanted to live in shared apartments to get to know other students.

One election that took place long ago
Tenants' involvement in decision-making has long roots in the Student Union housing traditions. In 2006, e.g. Rentukka and donuts were related to tenant democracy. But who won the election?