
Stop by the pop-up point

, / 2.9.2024

Come meet Soihtu's staff at the Housing POP UP points. In September, you can find us in locations such as the Kortepohja Student Village and Korttelikylä. At the Housing POP UP points, you can easily ask about housing-related matters. We provide...

All apartments of September have now been offered

, , , , / 13.8.2024

Soihtu's apartments have been popular with applicants again this year, and we received many applications from new students starting their studies in August and September. We offer apartments that are available later in autumn to those who have sent...

Reforms to services

, , , , / 24.7.2024

Soihtu wants to offer its customers the smoothest possible customer service experience. Starting in September, you can book a personal service appointment at the Housing Service Point through the online booking system.

When you move out, return the keys as instructed – this ensures the next tenant can move in on time

, , , , / 23.7.2024

We instruct the tenant to return the keys on time to ensure the new tenant's move goes as smoothly as possible. The compensation price list now includes charges for incorrect and late key returns.

August apartments offered

, , , , / 11.7.2024

All apartments available at the beginning of August have now been offered, and most have already had tenancy agreements signed. Individual apartments or shared rooms may still become available at the beginning of August if someone declines their apartment offer.

Tips for applying for student housing

, , , , / 24.6.2024

Every summer, Soihtu receives a large number of apartment applications, and this summer is no exception. Apartments and rooms that become available at the beginning of August are always reserved for new students starting their studies in...

Current apartment situation

, , , , / 10.8.2023

Soihtu has three housing locations in Jyväskylä: Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Korttelikylä and Soihtu Vehkakuja. All apartments of September have now been offered to applicants. We offer apartments that are available later in autumn to those who have sent an apartment application.

For the new tenant’s of Soihtu

, , , , / 19.7.2023

A lot of new students are moving into Soihtu's apartments this autumn. If you are one of the new tenants, it can feel like there are plenty of things to take care of so here is a list to help Soihtu’s new tenants. KEYSYou can get the keys to...

Almost all apartments of August have been offered

, / 13.7.2023

Soihtu’s apartments are filled in the autumn when new students start their studies. Soihtu has three housing locations: Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Korttelikylä and Soihtu Vehkakuja. All apartments of August have now been offered to...

Tenants’ Info Letter of July

, / 10.7.2023

Soihtu Housing tenants receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the e-mail address found in our system and provided by the...

Paying rent with card is not possible after July

, , , , / 14.7.2022

Soihtu won’t accept card payments at the service point of Soihtu Housing from August 2022 onwards. Accepted payment methods are a bank transfer and TransferMate payment service.

All apartments of Student Village building E are reserved

, , , / 12.7.2022

All the apartments in the building E of Student Village, which was under renovation, have been rented now starting from Autumn. Check what kind of apartments is still available.