The construction of the new apartment building starting in Kortepohja Student Village

In Kortepohja Student Village, between Kartanonkuja and building Q, the new construction of a 9-storey apartment building and a Sale grocery store will start during this week.

Preparatory work for the construction area around building Q has been started already during week 42. The construction site is located in between of buildings A and Q and most of the construction site traffic will happen via Tietoniekantie and Emännäntie, between buildings B and Q. Construction site traffic and changing routes may affect everyday life to some extent. Everyone should move carefully in the vicinity of the construction site.

The construction will be communicated as the project progresses on our website for Construction and real estate development.

The new Soihtu development building U in Kortepohja

Construction schedule: 10 / 2023 – 03 / 2025

Distribution of spaces: 68 apartments, of which 17 studios, 44 one-bedroom apartments and 7 two-bedroom apartments, along with commercial spaces

9-storey block of flats

Energy class: A

Main contractor: Rakennusliike Soimu Oy

Main designer: Sweco Finland

Constructor: Soihtu

Picture: Sweco Finland Oy

Havainnekuva Kartanonkujan varrelle sijoittuvasta kerrostalosta

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