Soihtu keeps the existing corona restrictions in its spaces

Soihtu wants to secure a safe and healthy daily life to all of its tenants and customers. According to the restrictions and recommendations by the City of Jyväskylä, the Finnish government and ministries, Soihtu keeps the existing restrictions to prevent the spread of Corona virus until the end of April 2021 in its spaces.

The following premises will remain closed:

Reserved turns in the premises done for April will be cancelled. For reservations paid in advance, the renter will be contacted.

Keep distance, remember the mask and wash your hands

The limited reserving possibilities opened in Soihtu premises for the month of March remain for the time being. We hope that the tenants who reserve the spaces follow the safety recommendations, so the premises will be safe for people to use and we can continue keeping them available.

Thank you to everyone who has given us feedback on the limited possibilities of use of the premises. We do our best to maintain the possibility to keep these spaces available, as we are aware they promote the tenants’ well-being and health for studying.

See the current opening hours from our updating article

See our updating article to check the effects of Corona restrictions on our opening hours and services available.

Semma updates the current opening hours and other practices of Rentukka restaurant on their webpage.

Follow the updating recommendations:

The Finnish health authority THL:s instructions (link to opens in new window)

The Jyväskylä city recommendations and restrictions (link to opens in new window)

Instructions for staying in quarantine on webpage (link to article)

Exceptions to Soihtu services caused by Corona virus (link to an updating article on

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