Participate in #flatmatefun competition!

Movie nights, cooking or maybe just relaxing together? Living with a flatmate can bring lots of fun moments and nice memories. What kind of activities have you and your flatmate done? Tell us and you can win a staggering price for you and your friend!

In this Flatmate fun-competition Soihtu wants to know what kind of fun activities you have done/do with your flatmate and also inspire others for fun common activities.

Participate in this competition by sending us a picture with max few sentences that describes what kind of fun you have done together. Send your picture to us via form below or in Instagram via DM, before 25th of April.

The pictures will be shared in @soihtuasuminen Instagram and the winner will be drawn among the participants on 26th of April. The winning flatmates will win a surprise experience!

You can also share your pictures with your flatmate in Instagram with hashtag #kämppiskivaa !

The link opens in a new tab.

Rules of the competition:

The competition is part of a national #kämppiskivaa competition held by the organisations in The Finnish Associations of Student Housing Organisations.

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