Key box makes tenants’ daily lives easier

Soihtu has taken a new key box in use to make the daily lives of the tenants easier. In practice, the tenant can agree with Soihtu Housing customer service to collect their keys from the key box, for example when moving in to new apartment. The tenant can pick up the keys when it’s best for them, if the opening hours of service point are not okay for their schedule. The key box is located at Soihtu Housing service point (Vehkakuja 2b).

We hope that new key box helps our tenants when they are planning their moving schedule.

”Contact the customer service of Soihtu Housing in advance if you like to pick up your keys from the key box”, tells customer service of Soihtu Housing. ”We will confirm your phone number and email address before you pick up your keys because a PIN-code will be send you by text message and email.”

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