Tenants Activity
In Soihtu’s housing locations, tenants can influence housing and the development of the community in many ways. You can participate in tenants activity in the official Tenants’ meetings or join to the Tenants’ committee.
Tenants activity is a privilege for all tenants and important for the well-being of the community. Through tenants activity, tenants have a possibility to influence things that are important for them – supervise the tenants’ interests, develop the housing location to look like the way they want them to look like and organize communal activities for the tenants.
Tenants’ committees are chosen in annual tenant’s meetings and all tenants who have turned 18 years are welcome to join (1 person per apartment). Tenants’ activity in rental buildings has also been defined in the law in which for example the tasks of a tenants’ committee are listed.
The most important tasks of the tenants’ committee:
- To influence common issues that affect the tenants.
- To participate in the preparation and give statements concerning the budget for the apartment buildings belonging to their own housing unit, the remedial measures and long-term remediation plans included in the budget, the content of the maintenance contract and the organization of the maintenance.
- To decide on the contents of general housing rules.
- To decide on the renting and sharing principles of common parking places, saunas and common rooms
- To support communality and good spirit in the residential environment.
Active tenants’ committees in Soihtu’s housing locations

Tenants’ committee of Kortepohja Student Village
In Kortepohja Student Village, there is a long tradition of vibrant tenant activity. The Tenants’ committee of the Student Village is defined in the law. The members are elected annually in November from among the tenants at the tenants’ meeting, but anyone is welcome to join the meetings at any time, even in the middle of the year.
Contact: asukastoimikunta.kortepohja@soihtu.fi | Chair person: pj.kortepohja@soihtu.fi
You can read the minutes of the meetings (in Finnish only) via Tenant’s Page.

Tenants’ committee of Soihtu Korttelikylä
The Tenants’ Committee of Soihtu Korttelikylä was elected at the tenants’ meeting in November 2023.
Contact: asukastoimikunta.korttelikyla@soihtu.fi | Chair person: pj.korttelikyla@soihtu.fi
You can read the minutes of the meetings via Tenant’s Page.

Tenants’ committee of Soihtu Vehkakuja
Tenants’ committee of Soihtu Vehkakuja started in the beginning of 2021 and new tenants’ committee was elected on November 2023.
Would you be interested to join the tenants’ committee or ask something from the committee?
Contact: asukastoimikunta.vehkakuja@soihtu.fi | Chair person: pj.vehkakuja@soihtu.fi
Starting from 2022, you can read the minutes of the meetings via Tenant’s Page.

How can I join the tenants’ committee?
- Participate in the annual tenants’ meeting that is called together by the tenants’ committee of your own housing location.
- You can join in the middle of a year by contacting the tenants’ committee of your housing location.
- In case there isn’t an active tenants’ committee in your housing location, you can establish one by calling together a tenants’ meeting. Ask further information from Soihtu’s Housing Coordinator.
More News

Tenants’ Info Letter of March
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Tenants’ Info Letter of January
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