COVID-19 instructions

To prevent spreading of the coronavirus, we kindly ask all of our tenants to follow general instructions concerning the global pandemic. On this page, we have gathered some instructions that might become handy, if you would need to stay in quarantine or in isolation in your own apartment.

If you get any symptoms related to COVID-19, get tested as soon as possible. It is good to check, if your symptoms match at web page. The City of Jyväskylä may, if necessary, arrange additional test points to be entered without an appointment.

If you have been infected and your symptoms get worse, please call the local Corona Info (+358 14 266 0133). If you need urgent help or an ambulance call the Emergency number 112.

Please remember following instructions, while you are in quarantine:

These might help you during your quarantine:

Official COVID-19 instructions and important links:

Corona insturctions and recommendations by the City of Jyväskylä

Quarantine instructions by the Institute of Health and Welfare

Corona info of the Finnish Government

Koronavilkku app

Social services of the City of Jyväskylä

Corona situation in Jyväskylä

Coranavirus instructions for University of Jyväskylä

The links open in new tabs.

More News

Tenants’ Info Letter of March

, , , , / 11.3.2025

Tenants of Soihtu receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the email address found in our system and provided by the...

Office of Soihtu Moves to Ilokivi Student Union Building

, , / 13.2.2025

The Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä (JYY) wants to centralize its operations at Ilokivi. Space will become available on the second floor of Ilokivi, allowing the operations of Soihtu to be moved from Vehkakuja to the Student Union Building. The office space at Vehkakuja will be rented out to an external party.

Tenants’ Info Letter of January

, / 20.1.2025

Tenants of Soihtu receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the email address found in our system and provided by the...