Home is a safe harbor

Story: Anni Pajari

Amanda Mäkinen moved to Kortepohja Student Village in 2018 to study biology at the University of Jyväskylä. Her boyfriend Jarkko, who was already in working life, moved in with her and the couple’s first home together was located in the Student Village building N.

Amanda believes that the best thing about Kortepohja is its location, which is reasonably close to the center but also close to nature. She also appreciates the fact that the rent includes, for example, electricity and an access to gym.

When the search for a bigger home became topical a few of years later, the couple knew they wanted to stay in the Village.

“We didn’t even look for an apartment elsewhere. It’s easy when you don’t have to hassle with contracts, orders and invoices in many places, since everything is included in one package.”

Doggy dates with neighbors

Closeness to nature is important especially when going for walks with their Tibetan spaniel Nelli. Walking the dog has also brought a bit of community spirit to her life. Amanda has got to know the other dog owners around since they come across almost every day. Sometimes they even have dog dates.

“For example, we’ve been visiting our dog’s best friend, the Bella dog, who lives in the same building,” Amanda explains.

She also finds neighbors and the people she meets at the gym friendly. A similar life situation brings many neighbors closer.

“Yes, I identify myself as a Kortepohja resident, it feels like I belong to the Student Village.”

A chairperson by a coincidence

While moving around the village, Amanda noticed the announcements inviting tenants to join the Village Team to develop the community spirit and plan events.

“I figured I would go to see what was going on in the Village Meets, just out of curiosity. It could be nice to organize events or purchase some needed items for shared use of the Village tenants.”

Later, there were many interested people in the meeting, and a Tenants’ Council was elected again after a year’s break. Although Amanda wanted to be involved, the role of chairperson was as a surprise to her. She had no previous experience of similar positions.

“When the group had to decide on the chair, there was silence. Then I said, well, I can take it,” Amanda says with a laugh.

“I spend a lot of time at home, so things related to housing interest me. I want to maintain the Village a nice place to live.”

Amanda is particularly interested in organizing events, such as Rentukka’s pub quiz. In her spare time, she enjoys playing board games and cooking with her boyfriend. They plan to stay in the Village at least until the end of her studies.

“I don’t know the exact duration of my studies and plans for the future are still open. This is a great safe harbor to see where life goes.”

Amanda Mäkinen moved to Kortepohja Student Village in 2018

“We didn’t even look for an apartment elsewhere. It’s easy when you don’t have to hassle with contracts, orders and invoices in many places, since everything is included in one package.”

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