Meal prices for students in higher education at Ilokivi from January 9, 2023

The price of lunch paid by higher education students eating at restaurant Ilokivi will decrease, as the parliament has approved an increase in the amount of meal subsidy for students in higher education for the year 2023 on 16 December 2022 (section 29.70.57 of the state budget, Meal subsidy for students in higher education).

The amount of the meal subsidy will increase from 1 January 2023 and is 2.55 euros / meal. There will be no changes to the maximum and minimum prices for meals, but they will remain at the level set on 1 October 2022. In Restaurant Ilokivi, the change will take effect when the restaurant opens after the Christmas break on Monday, January 9, 2023.

The increase in the amount of the meal subsidy practically means that Kela will pay a larger share of the student’s meal, and the share paid by the university student will decrease from 1 January 2023. In Ravintola Ilokivi, the price charged from a student in higher education for a student meal is 2.95 euros from 1 January 2023 (non-reduced price of the meal 5.50 euros minus the amount of Kela’s meal subsidy 2.55 euros = 2.95 euros).

The price of a special portion made of more expensive ingredients is 4.25–5.60 euros for university students from 1 January 2023 (non-reduced price of the meal 6.80–8.15 euros minus the amount of Kela’s meal subsidy 2.55 euros = 4.25–5.60 euros ).

There will be no changes to the other prices of Ilokivi lunch price groups. Ilokivi’s lunch prices valid from 9 January 2023 can be found on Ilokivi’s website.

More information about the meal subsidy can be found on Kela’s webpage.

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