The service phone number of the Soihtu Facility Services changes – update your contacts now!

Soihtu Vehkakuja and Kortepohja Studen Village facilities are maintained by Soihtu Kiinteistöhuolto. From 19.10., the Soihtu Facility Service call center number is 010 524 8315 (24 / 7). The new phone number will add to the service reliability of the maintenance phone service and decrease the risk of any technical failures affecting the Soihtu Kiinteistöhuolto accessibility.

Use the telephone service number of Soihtu Facility Services

The new number will replace the old from 19.10. onwards. The old number (first digits 014) and the new number (first digits 010) exist in parallel until the end of October 2020. The new number will be communicated to the tenants starting from week 42, when eg. the door stickers in the Soihtu buildings are replaced with new ones and the old number is replaced by the new on the Internet pages.

The SMS number for non-hearing customers, who need an urgent contact with the Facility services for a door opening or other emergent matter, is 040 7285 748. The changing of the call center number doesn’t affect the SMS number.

Non-urgent contacts with the Soihtu Facility Services are best dealed with via the online form on our webpage.

The Soihtu Facility Services call center number from 19.10. on is 010 524 8315.

Soihtu Facility Services 24 / 7

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