Solar panels will be installed to buildings H and J in the Student Village

Kortepohja Student Village will start using renewable energy production when solar panels will be installed on the roofs of buildings H and J, starting next week. The electricity produced from the solar panels is going to be about 2% of the Student Village’s electricity consumption. In the future solar panels will be installed also on the roof of the building T. The solar panels to buildings H and J will be installed during weeks 25 and 26.

Previously we have informed, that there are solar panels on the roof of both houses in Soihtu Korttelikylä. The electricity from Soihtu’s solar power plant is used both as the real estate electricity in the location and, depending on the availability, also for the residents’ own electricity needs. Real estate electricity is consumed by the building ventilation machines, heat exchangers and automation, lighting in the common areas and courtyards, elevators, sauna and laundry room.

In January 2021, Alva’s Green Heat has been used in Soihtu’s apartment buildings. Emission-free Green Heat is produced at the Rauhalahti and Keljonlahti power plants with environmentally friendly, provincial wood fuel and Mustankorkea biogas.

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