Personnel Changes at Soihtu – Housing Coordinator to Take Over Community Manager Duties

Employees have been assigned new roles starting in June. In the future, housing coordinator Anni Pajari will take over the duties previously handled by the community manager. From June onward, she will be responsible for tenant selection, tenant advisory and tenants’ committees. Jenna Pigg has been appointed as a development specialist, with responsibilities including marketing, development, collaborations, and tasks related to resident participation for Soihtu Housing.

“Even though Soihtu will no longer have a community manager in the future, this does not mean that matters related to community and its support are any less important to us – quite the opposite. These tasks will now be handled by several people. Together with Anni, we still want to work closely with resident activists and other local communities. Feel free to contact us with low threshold,” says Jenna Pigg, who previously worked as the community manager at Soihtu.

During the summer months, Katri Leppänen, who has previously worked at Soihtu, will also be part of the customer service team, and service manager Jenni Kirkkomäki has returned to her previous duties after study leave.

“Feel free to contact us with low threshold”

Jenna Pigg, Development Specialist

Näkymä Kortepohjan ylioppilaskylän sisääntuloväylältä. Etualalla istutuslaatikon reunalla istuu henkilö rauhallinen hymy huulillaan, katse kameraan päin. Taustalla Kortepohjan ylioppilaskylän taloja ja Rentukka-rakennus.

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