New locks will be installed in buildings F and H

New contactless locks will replace the old locks on the front doors and apartments of the buildings F and H in the Kortepohja Student Village during week 44. The new key cards will be used as both the home key and the key to the common areas, so the separate village key will no longer be needed.

The locks will be changed between November 1-5, 2021. During that period, tenants must carry both the old magnetic stripe card and the new contactless key card. The locks will be installed daily between 8am and 4pm. Replacing the locks requires opening the apartment door. In shared apartments, also doors of the rooms needs to be opened. Master key will be used if needed. Please contact us if there are pets in your apartment or if there are any other reasons why we should not come change the locks in your apartment during this time:
The new key cards can be picked up in advance at the Soihtu Housing service point. You can come within the opening hours or, if necessary, separate meeting outside the opening hours can be booked. Please remember to bring your ID. Please, return the old key cards (both apartment key cards and the contactless village key card) to the post box of the service point after your lock is changed.
After changing locks, there will be changes on how to update the key cards in future – please read instructions below.
Tenants living in studio apartment
 With the device located in the lobby of Rentukka (next to the info desk), the tenants can add to the validity period on their card. Your new key cards are valid until beginning of April, 2022. You can update key cards at any time convenient for you, and the device increases the validity period by 6 months at a time.

Tenants living in shared apartment
The key cards are valid for two years. We announce the expiration of the cards in Tenant Information and on the notice boards/front doors of the apartment buildings. Tenants can pick up their new key cards from the service point when the expiration date is near.

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