Kortepohja Meeting organized by the City of Jyväskylä

Kortepohja’s issues will be discussed in a meeting organized by the City of Jyväskylä on Thursday, March 10th in Rentukka. Meeting will be held in Finnish. The theme of the evening is the zoning of the Kortepohja downtown area. Other current topics can be raised for discussion.

Please come to the place only healthy. There will be a mask recommendation at the event.

Please register, then participate remotely or on site and for more information.

More information:

Antti Rajala tel. +358 50 339 6423, antti.rajala (at) jyvaskyla.fi

Satu Altén tel. +358 50 327 3144, satu.alten (at) jyvaskyla.fi

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, , , , / 11.3.2025

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