Join us for Good vibes afternoon chat online

Would you like to get to know your neighbours or get some peers support and company during your quarantine?

Good vibes afternoon chat online every Tuesday and Thursday during February at 2 pm. We created own theme for each chat, so the conversation would be more smooth. Soihtu’s Community Manager will be joining the chat as well.

Coming chats & themes:

9.2. Smooth everyday
11.2. Relationships
16.2. Mind & feelings
18.2. Self-knowledge
23.2. Time management
25.2. Good life

Link to the chat:

More News

Office of Soihtu Moves to Ilokivi Student Union Building

, , / 13.2.2025

The Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä (JYY) wants to centralize its operations at Ilokivi. Space will become available on the second floor of Ilokivi, allowing the operations of Soihtu to be moved from Vehkakuja to the Student Union Building. The office space at Vehkakuja will be rented out to an external party.

Tenants’ Info Letter of January

, / 20.1.2025

Tenants of Soihtu receive a newsletter about the current housing topics in Kortepohja Student Village, Soihtu Vehkakuja and Soihtu Korttelikylä every month. The newsletter is sent to the email address found in our system and provided by the...

Apply for the new apartments in Kortepohja Student Village

, , / 20.1.2025

The newest building in Kortepohja Student Village will be ready to welcome new residents in April 2025. The application period for apartments is open until February 16, 2025. The apartments feature modern surface materials and practical storage...