Other facilities to reserve

In Rentukka you can find all kinds of common rooms, which you can reserve with an extra fee for studying and meeting purposes as well as for free time activities. If you need a bigger space for meetings, a sauna evening or a graduation party, these spaces are suitable.

Approximately 12 – 15 people fit in rental sauna Bastu at the same time. Meeting room Bertta, next to the sauna, is a modern and comfortable meeting room for 12 people but it can be used for parties as well. Both spaces are located on the 9th floor or building B in Kortepohja Student Village.

Lillukka is a party venue for about 50 people. There is a small kitchenette – in this space you can have bigger parties and meetings. Lillukka is located right next to Rentukka, in the middle of the Student Village.

You can reserve the spaces via separate reservation calendar (link below).

Links open in new tabs.

Meeting and party spaces in Rentukka:

Other spaces reserved with a fee:

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